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      Fort Myers, FL 33907


      Coronavirus COVID-19 Prevention

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      Covid-19 Prevention

      Posted by Root Causes Holistic Health and Medicine on Saturday, March 21, 2020
      IV Therapy Fort Myers FL

      Breast Implant Illness: Are Your Symptoms Due To BII?

      By Dr. Doreen DeStefano, ARNP No matter which type of implant a person has in their body, breast implant illness is a growing concern: both...
      Whole-Body Nutrition is Critical for Optimal Health

      Whole-Body Nutrition is Critical for Optimal Health

      By Dr. Doreen DeStefano, ARNP Whole-body nutrition is a balance of diet, exercise, limiting stress, sleeping sufficiently, eliminating chemicals and toxins, and supplementing your health...
      Methods for Lowering Cholesterol

      Heart Health: Advanced Methods for Lowering Cholesterol and Reducing Plaque

      By Dr. Doreen DeStefano, ARNP Each year 370,000 deaths occur from coronary heart disease. To date, heart disease is the leading cause of death in...
      Integrative Medicine: IWhat Kind of Hippie Dippie Stuff is That?

      Integrative Medicine: What Kind of Hippie Dippie Stuff is That?

      Integrative medicine is a partnership between a healthcare professional and a person seeking optimal health and wellness. The two parties work together to...

      Shingles: That Red, Painful Rash!

      By Doreen DeStefano, ARNP What are shingles? Shingles are caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. It remains dormant in your body until times...

      Liver Health & Functional Medicine Methods

      The liver is known for its natural detoxification ability to rid the body of chemicals, toxins, and substances. It breaks down fats and produces...

      Why Doesn?t Medical Insurance Pay for Functional Medicine?

      By Root Causes Holistic Health and Medicine What is Functional Medicine? Functional medicine, also called holistic health and integrative medicine, is a form of health care...

      Gut Inflammation and Arthritis: A Common Co-Morbidity That is Often Overlooked by Standard...

      By Root Causes Holistic Health and Medicine When most individuals go to their doctor for arthritis, they most likely will be put on prescription pain...

      Learn What You Can Do to Stave Off Prevent Prostate Cancer

      Ask most people what they wish for, and finding a cure for cancer is usually at the top of their list. There are...

      Toxic Heavy Metals & Cardiovascular Disease

      Alternative Medicine such as chelation IV therapy has been intensely criticized by mainstream medicine for many years, so much so that a cardiovascular trial was...

      Investigative Medicine

      Do you suffer from symptoms or conditions that doctors can’t explain? Are you tired all the time? It could be your thyroid. “I’m tired all...

      Properly Administered Bioidentical Hormones Offer Many Benefits

      By Doreen DeStefano Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) began over 20 years ago. It is a safe and effective way to fight the aging process...

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